For your own benefit or someone else’s?

It must have happened to you that you were offered to do something while it did not benefit you financially, but an inner feeling told you that you really want to do it, and this is the time when we are living in an age where it is getting difficult. Mali ignored the things that we spent energy and time on.

What does volunteer work mean?

If we want to have a definition of voluntary work at the beginning, we can say that voluntary work means;

An action that a person does without coercion or financial expectation.

Volunteer work, work or job? The problem is…

We should know that voluntary work can be a part of people’s personal goals, and basically the activity that is done voluntarily is different from the concept of job. According to the definition of the International Labor Organization (ILO), job and work have different definitions; A job is a set of tasks and activities that a person is responsible for doing for an economic unit.

Work means an activity that is done by people of any age and any gender with the aim of producing goods or providing services and benefiting themselves or others. So it is completely understandable that doing voluntary work is completely voluntary and can be done based on the meaning of life and values of each person, and usually the main part of voluntary work in the countries of the world is spent on public benefit.

What is the benefit of volunteering?

What you get by volunteering is very valuable, by doing volunteer work you can get new experiences, meet new people and you will feel energetic and cheerful that you are doing something useful. As we said, doing voluntary work has positive effects on maintaining people’s physical and mental health, increasing self-confidence is one of the benefits of volunteering, while social communication with different people prevents the risk of depression, and physical activities that are done voluntarily are a kind of exercise. It is considered and helps people’s physical health.

For example, in 2007, a study was conducted to investigate the impact of people’s participation in voluntary affairs on their health. In this study, it was found that the higher the rate of participation in voluntary affairs; The rate of death and heart diseases of people is reduced.

In developed and industrialized countries, voluntary work provides the opportunity for young people to enter the labor market, and in many advanced countries, voluntary work after university or during studies or during internships has become a dignity and respect. So that based on statistics in 2018, 109 million people around the world were engaged in voluntary work in official organizations and groups or in interpersonal cooperation and activities.

Voluntary work is the dynamic secret for a student

Student years are the best opportunity to experience volunteer work in different fields because there is a lot of free time available for students, especially the students, and usually membership in student organizations and associations provides them with this opportunity many times, which with the help of Each other should do scientific and student voluntary activities and establish and implement programs, which will provide the dynamism and vitality of the early years of youth in this way.

Three values that volunteer work creates during student life:

Experiencing and learning new skills: When people undertake tasks that they have not done before and even go to voluntary activities out of initial curiosity, they provide themselves with the opportunity to experience and learn new skills that can have an impact on their future careers. For example, if you volunteer in scientific and student groups while you are a student, you can learn how to use new and advanced software that may be useful for your professional tasks later on.

Social communication and networking:

One of the most attractive benefits of volunteering in student activities is meeting new and more experienced friends who can be a good link between the university and getting the desired job position of the future students. You want to take advantage of opportunities and you can take on responsibilities well and expand your connections with professionals and build a special communication network for yourself.

Feeling useful:

When we do something for the sake of doing it, and we don’t expect anything in return, and we know that the step we have taken is for the betterment of our society and those around us; We feel cheerful and energetic, which reminds us of the sweetness of success and a sense of self-confidence, which shows that we have accomplished something useful and believed that our existence was efficient.

Final Word:

As mentioned, student volunteer work, especially in the early years of university attendance, can help you determine your future career path and enter the labor market and technology with better preparation and richer experience of professional and social communication.


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